În engleză le zice possessive determiners sau possessive adjectives (pentru că vin înaintea unui substantiv, dar nu sunt adjective).
Funcționează ca determinatori, adică determină care substantiv și țin locul substantivelor posesive.
my pen înseamnă the speaker’s pen
his car înseamnă Andrei’s car sau my father’s car
their garden înseamnă the people’s garden sau my neighbor’s garden

Întotdeauna vin înaintea unui substantiv (spre deosebire de mine, yours, etc.)
That’s my house.
I like your car. (mașina ta – singular)
His name is John.
Is this her coat?
The dog plays with its toy.
Come to our house.
Your kitchen is lovely. (bucătăria voastră – plural)
They listen to their teacher.
Adjectivele possessive nu se folosesc cu alți determinatori precum the, a/an, this.
He likes his car. NU He likes the his car.
its și it’s
Its nu are apostrof și este diferit față de it’s care vine de la it is sau it has.
It’s raining = It is raining
It’s rained = It has rained
The dog plays with its toy = the dog’s toy
The bear turned its head = the bear’s head
Exersează cu exerciții:
Determinatori posesivi / Adjective posesive (my, your, its, etc.) – 1
Determinatori posesivi / Adjective posesive (my, your, its, etc.) – 2